International Day of Yoga Bali
❤️Welcome to the Official Website for the Information Regarding International Day Of Yoga Bali 2019 Proudly supported by the Svami Vivekananda Indian Cultural Centre | Consulate General of India Bali. Please take a moment to download your FREE International Day of Yoga Bali Day Protocol. This will be your Official Yoga Day Sequence for when you join our event. Thank you
Greetings to Yoga lovers all over the world. Yoga is one of the most precious gifts given by the ancient Indian sages to humankind. Yoga gives peace of mind. People who are at peace with themselves are at peace with others too. Such people build harmonious nations. Such nations build a harmonious world. I am happy that the popularity of Yoga is on the rise globally. With more people embracing Yoga, the demand for Yoga teachers is also rising. Our next challenge is to produce institutionally trained Yoga teachers who can ignite this flame further, especially among the youth.

Yoga is not just a set of exercises that keeps the body fit. It is a passport to health assurance, a key to fitness and wellness. Yoga is not only what we practice in the morning. Doing our day-to-day activities with diligence and complete awareness is Yoga as well! Free from illness, a path to wellness-that is the path of Yoga. Because it teaches us to see others the same as ourselves, Yoga makes us better individuals in thought, action, knowledge and devotion. Yoga achieves oneness through oneness. It brings about oneness among the mind, body and intellect. We begin to understand ourselves much better, which also makes us understand others better. I wish you all Happy Yoga practicing!
-Narendra Modi
Hon 'ble Prime Minister of India
International Day of Yoga Bali
International Day of Yoga Bali
Date: 21 June 2024
Location: Renon Park
Time: 5 AM
Yoga Practice: Starting at 6 AM[/heading]
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Register Now & Receive Your OFFICIAL International Day of Yoga Bali Protocol
Register Now & Receive Your OFFICIAL International Day of Yoga Bali Protocol
Register Now & Receive Your OFFICIAL International Day of Yoga Bali Protocol
Meet Our International Day of Yoga
Teacher of Indian Culture
Meet Our International Day of Yoga
Teacher of Indian Culture

Extremely motivated Yoga teacher to constantly grow professionally. Enjoy inspiring others to improve wellness and commit to long-term health and fitness goals. Energetic and outgoing with collaborative spirits.
✓QCI Yoga Level -II Certified by Govt. of India. AYUSH Ministry
✓Master Degree in Yoga
✓Lead IDY 2016 at Bangkok Thailand
✓More than 10 years of experience in teaching Yoga
The whole world is a family
2) "Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah"
Non Violance is the great way of living
May All humans be Happy
The Standing Bow Pose is the only posture during which the blood flows from one part of the body to another and back, thus perfectly improving blood circulation.
- It firms the abdominal wall and upper thighs, tightens upper arms, hips, and buttocks
- Improves the flexibility and strength of the lower spine.
- It develops balance and increases the size and elasticity of the rib cage and the lungs.
- Improves balance and concentration.
Vṛkṣa means tree. The final position of this āsana
resembles the shape of a tree, hence the name.
- Benefits Helps to improve neuro-muscular coordination, balance, endurance, alertness and concentration.
- It tones up the leg muscles and rejuvenates the ligaments.
- This pose is known to enhance confidence and create a more positive level of self-esteem.
- Tree Pose is a great way to help relieve sciatic pain over time.
Trikoṇā means triangle. Tri means three and koṇa means an angle. As
the āsana resembles the triangle made by the trunk, arms and legs,
hence the name Trikoṇāsana.
- Prevents flat foot.
- Strengthens calf, thigh and waist muscles.
- Makes the spine flexible, improves lungs capacity.
- Found beneficial in the management of lumber spondylosis.
The widely practiced Yoga sadhanas are: Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prāṇāyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhāraṇā, Dhyāna, Samādhi, Bandhās and Mudrās, Ṣaṭkarmas,Yuktāhāra, Mantra-japa,Yukta-karma etc.
Yamas are restraints and Niyamas are observances.
These are considered to be pre-requisites for further Yoga practice. Āsanas, capable of bringing about stability of body and mind, "kuryattadāsanam- sthairyam", involve adopting various psychophysical body patterns and giving one an ability to maintain a body position (a stable awareness of one's structural existence) for a considerable length of time.
Consists of developing awareness of one's breathing followed by willful regulation of respiration as the functional or vital basis of one's existence. It helps in developing awareness of one's mind and helps to establish control over the mind.
Bandhas and Mūdras
Are practices associated with Prāṇāyāma. They are viewed as the higher yogic practices that mainly adopt certain physical gestures along with control over respiration. This further facilitates control over mind and paves the way for a higher Yogic attainment. However, practice of dhyāna, which moves one towards self-realisation and leads one
6 Most Important Things to Bring With You
6 Most Important Things to Bring With You

⭕Sun Screen
⭕Yoga Mat
⭕Water Bottle
⭕Yoga Block

There is no better time to give your entire body and mind the rejuvenating boost it needs!
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