There is so much Yoga Teacher Training in Bali. How do you choose the right one for you? Is it Price, Duration, or Quality and Standard, Experienced Teacher or Authentic reviews?
Curious to Discover How To Become A Certified Yoga Teacher.
So You can Inspire Students, Change Lives, also Including Your Own.
From $2499 $1999* for 7 Days.
*January Main Event Only
The Important Of RYT 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali
Allow Yourself To Join A Perfect Yoga Teacher Training in Bali to find your true Potential. At The Same Time, Making Great New Friends And Nourishing Your Soul.
Yoga Teaching Training should be a program based upon proper alignment, sequencing, keyword dialogues, anatomical awareness, excellent lectures education, and very experienced staff teacher trainers.
The core aim is to restore proper and balanced posture to the mind-body-spirit without all the Kumbaya and endless chanting.
Your Teacher Training should present the fundamentals of yoga principles. As a result, You are emphasizing the energetic evolution and intelligence of Hatha Yoga.
The aim is to create a supportive, inspiring, and empowering learning community. Also promotes education and personal growth while cultivating the art of teaching yoga.
Yoga Teacher Training Students should be able to transition confidently from student to yoga teacher. Therefore, you should study various asanas and the techniques drawing from Hatha Yoga sequences.
This practice of Yoga will help you release and unlock your full potential through the neutral positioning of the limbs. You start at the feet and move to the knees, pelvis, spine, rib cage, and skull. 😊
A sneak peek behind the scenes at our Orientation Day and International Day of Yoga – 30-sec video.
Become a Yoga Teacher With The Best Mental And Physical Shape
This next step will easily suppose you’re a passionate and enthusiastic Yoga student. At least You are not happy with your 9-to-5 job, and your want yoga practice that provides a great place to de-stress and cut out the noise.
The health and wellness markets are booming, and you can already see the extraordinary growth of the yoga market. Maybe you feel that you need a change? Great, don’t we all.
Perhaps you are ready to take the next step in becoming certified in teaching Bikram Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Hatha. YogaFX Teacher Training Courses in Bali have transformed passionate Yoga Students.
You are highly qualified, successful teachers in Bikram Ashtanga Vinyasa Hatha yoga, but your success is not guaranteed. There are so many Yoga Teacher Training in Bali that are more interested in money than your success. Sorry, but true.
Choose the right one Yoga Teacher Academy, that fits is so important. Do you want to be a Yoga Teach need a break from the rat race?
When you become a great Yoga Teacher, you will start to transform yourself and others from the inside out. The changes that can happen in your life and theirs are genuinely remarkable.
Certified Yoga Teacher Turn Every Day Into Exciting Adventure
Yoga is booming, and there’s a massive demand for skilled and passionate Bikram Ashtanga Vinyasa Hatha teachers worldwide. As a result, some students have given up a “good” corporate job, and many others just needed a change and want to be of service. What about you.
As you will be aware, 2020 has been a great year. There is a massive demand for the Health and well-being industries and services. Undoubtedly, Yoga Practices and Philosophies are industry leaders.
Every one of us in some way has been affected by the virus and its consequences. Consequently, Stress, anxiety, insomnia, and, in some cases of depression increased. Also the demands upon services with the ability to offer assistance increase.
Yoga is very much service in demand during these difficult times. Online Yoga classes are one of the most often searched. You may have recently taken your course online.
Our inquiries for 2021 have been increasing over the past few weeks, which is a great sign.
There has never been a better time to put your future squarely in your own hands and master this valuable new yoga teaching skill set. That will be forever in demand, from now until you retire, if you quit.
Yoga teacher training course in Bali is an excellent opportunity to learn a fun and life-transforming new skill. Above all, your new status can free up your lifestyle enough that you can live a truly fulfilling life. Today is your moment.
Understand Why Some Yoga Teachers Have Such An Advantage
The yoga and well-being industries are growing. Eventually, yoga studios are increasingly frustrated in their need to employ great qualified Bikram Ashtanga Vinyasa Hatha yoga teachers to meet this demand.
So it is crucial that when you are choosing your Registered Yoga School. You have to know what Yoga sequences they will be teaching you. Not to mention, most schools take the straightforward approach and only focus on the money. They are leading you up to 150 Hatha yoga postures in 24 days or more.
It’s not possible, not safe, and of zero benefits as at the end of the course. Above all, you have no clear path of what yoga sequence to teach. Your head is a jumble. It is crucial to be learning the world’s most popular yoga sequences. It makes sense, isn’t it?
But what are the world’s most popular yoga sequences? Have you heard of Bikram? Ashtanga? Vinyasa? Hatha? Of course, you have.
What is World’s Most Popular Yoga Sequence?
Bikram is the world’s most popular yoga sequence, followed by Ashtanga and Vinyasa.
There are over 800 Bikram and hot yoga studios worldwide, and there are thousands of yoga studios worldwide.
Google search Bikram Yoga in any country you travel. There will be a Yoga Studio providing the Bikram Yoga Sequence. 1 Bikram Yoga Class starts every 72 seconds somewhere in the world.
Over 400 million people have taken a Bikram Hot Yoga Class. Undoubtedly, Bikram Yoga Sequence is the perfect foundation for you to learn your first yoga sequence. From there, build your Yoga Career in Bikram Ashtanga Vinyasa Hatha yoga teaching.
Do I Need A Hot Room To Teach Bikram?
You can find a Certified Yoga Alliance RYT 200 Hour to satisfy international demand and learn the Bikram sequence without the enormous costs. Joining the Bikram Teacher Training, then send an inquiry today.
The Bikram Yoga Teacher Training is $12,500 plus dollars,18 hour days, and then nine weeks away from family and friends. At last, students don’t have that amount of time or the money to spend anymore.
The good news is that we can point you in the right direction to learn Bikram, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa yoga sequences. Although You don’t understand the Bikram Yoga sequence in a sweltering room.
Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Bali should be graduating students to be successful for yoga teaching in the real world. Have the skills, patience, education, compassion, and confidence to teach Bikram, Ashtanga, Vinyasa Hatha Yoga sequences as a professional yoga teacher.
It would be best to graduate as a Certified Yoga Alliance RYT 200 Hours Yoga, Teacher. Please check with Yoga Alliance that your RYS 200 is registered.
Many that advertise Yoga Alliance Approved are not!
Wanting a Real Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali?
When searching a Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, please look for a course that meets the yoga industry’s demands. It is no good spending thousands of dollars and a month of your life in Bali participating in a Yoga Teacher Training that teaches you much chanting. Yoga Studios have very little demand in chanting yogis. If this is what you are looking for, you should take a Yoga Retreat in Bali.
Over time we notice the demand for yoga teachers. Yoga Teacher Training’s started to pop up everywhere, especially in the most popular destinations, India, Bali, Australia, the USA, Brazil, to name just a few. These yoga “schools” started offering costly yoga teacher training courses.
An average price range in Bali is from $US 3000 plus accommodation in most cases. Ubud and Canggu accommodation is costly and can easily add another $US 1000 to $US 1500 depending upon the standard. Many of these Yoga Schools are register with Yoga Alliance as RYT 200 hours. At last seems to concentrate more on the money than providing real Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Bali.
Yoga Alliance is now fully aware that as the number of schools increased, the teaching standards have dropped. Eventually, student complaints increase. As a result, Yoga Alliance has risen now and tightened up the Registered Yoga School RYS 200 hour application and approval process.
Many RYS will disappear as they do not adhere to the higher standards necessary for Yoga Alliance Credentialing.
If you are looking for a real Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, we can only recommend a Yoga Teacher Training School that advertises.
How To Graduate As An Approved Yoga Alliance?
We can recommend an Academy that has claimed its place as The Premiere Yoga Teacher Training Academy. Such as the United States, Canada, Australia, China, United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, Africa, and India. But Bali has authentic International experience in the world where you don’t just learn Bikram yoga.
If you are looking for a Yoga Teacher Training RYT 200 Hours in Bali that approved by Yoga Alliance Bikram Ashtanga Vinyasa Hatha, You are in the right place. Because the destination for all your Yoga Teacher Training requirements here in Bali.
Can I Teach a Yoga Class After Course?
Yes, you will be spending thousands of dollars and taking up to one month away from your family and friends. You would be amazed while many Teacher Training Courses in Bali and around the world do not teach you how to conduct a professional yoga class. It’s True.
They are, in fact, very long and costly Yoga Retreats. True. Hours of sitting, chanting, talking, talking, talking. Very few practical yoga teaching methods, if any. Why? Because the actual staff leading the training have very little or no real teaching experiences from the real world, especially India and Bali.
You would like to be a great yoga teacher for many reasons. But when you talk to any yoga studio owner, you will find they rarely hire new yoga teachers. Most new teachers from most Yoga Teacher Training Schools do not have the proper yoga skills or knowledge to complete a 60- or 90-minute professional yoga class.
We know this because many students have completed a Certified RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training, such as India, Nepal, Australia, US, and yes, even in Bali left feeling deflated. They have an RYT 200 hours Yoga Teacher Certificate but cannot even complete a simple class setup. These students soon realize their problem after our quick assessment. In most cases, they have spent $USD 5000 and more for a costly Yoga Retreat in Bali, not a Yoga Teacher Training.
From day one, you should be learning the cues, methods, dialogues, and techniques that you will need to teach a yoga class in the real world. After all, that’s why you are here, right! You want to be a great Yoga Teacher.
Do I Need One Month in Bali To Graduate?
The answer is no. Through many years of Yoga Teaching Course attendances, we have found that the optimal length of course duration should be around 19 to 21 days. Twenty-one days is the perfect amount of time to learn new things and break bad habits significantly.
If your yoga course is any longer than this, your concentration starts to wane. You are in the same place, same food, same people, etc. and you begin missing loved ones. In another case, a lot of courses start to repeat in the fourth week as they try to fill time. We found that many classes only extend their yoga course schedule to charge you the student more money.
A lot of accommodation venues in Bali require a month-long booking to block several rooms. Hence if the course finished after 20 days, the RYS would have to pay for the last ten days.
We recommend a Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali with a fully compliant Yoga Alliance Syllabus. Also optimized to complete all of your yoga modules efficiently and promptly in 20 days. Yoga course in Bali that turns yoga students into yoga teachers in just three weeks’ time weeks.
Certified Yoga Teachers can work in yoga studios, gyms, health resorts, or even open their yoga studios. The career potential in the Yoga, health, and wellbeing industry is limitless. Above all, You have to start your yoga teaching career while you are still fresh.
But you need the proper training first!
A Yoga Teacher Training With A Completely Different Approach
Just imagine joining an RYT 200 hours Yoga Alliance Certified Course in Bali that is 100 percent practical and career-focused. Concurrently graduates Certified Yoga Teachers is qualified, competent, and employable from day one after Graduation Day.
Yoga Alliance Certified RYT 200 Hours
Yoga Alliance Syllabus Approved
RYT 200 (Registered Yoga Teacher 200 Hours)
RYS 200 (Registered Yoga School 200 Hours)
ACE Certified Syllabus Approved (American Council of Exercise)
Bikram, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Hatha
Inquiry Hotline
+62 811 3888 330
All Yoga Teacher Training Courses Needs Great Staff!
As I have said, most Yoga Teacher Training courses in Bali and India use minimal real yoga teaching experience, and only a few have any International Yoga Teaching experience.
Many of the Yoga Teaching staff start as a student in the same Yoga school. The team completes the yoga schools’ course, and after finish the yoga course, then they are taken on as staff. Undoubtedly, your yoga teacher has zero real-life yoga teaching experience. This case happens a lot in Bali and India.
How do we know this? Because we have done the other courses. Disappointing.
Look for Yoga Teacher Training in Bali that has real teachers with real experience. Also, look for contributing staff teachers who are also highly experienced Bikram Ashtanga Vinyasa Hatha. Yoga Teachers with 1000s of hours of Bikram Yoga Teaching experiences, for example, or also working Bikram Ashtanga Vinyasa Hatha Yoga Teaching professionals in the real world. If you need any help with this, drop us a line.
Yoga Teacher Training Staff has a demanding job and must be fully committed. On many courses, staff doesn’t get paid. But the Yoga staff team must be positive, sharing, supportive, available, and enthusiastic and finally break your graduation day and fulfill your true potential.
Teaching A Great Class Of Yoga Requires Great Preparation.
The best idea that we have seen out there is a Yoga Teacher Training in Bali. Offering a unique Yoga Alliance RYT 200 HOURS Pre-Course Preparation. It is a complete game-changer.
Preparation is the key to a great yoga class. Pre-Course preparation is a complete necessity for travel, in another case, thousands of miles to start an intensive Yoga Teacher Training. Your first week is a real wake-up moment; such as new places, new people, new food, new sleeping patterns. All of this can affect you when put together with 3 hours of yoga classes, lectures, and very long intensive days. You will have what we call “First Week Syndrom.” You will be trying to catch your breath, most injuries, sickness, and mood swings.
What if an RYS 200 yoga school offered a yoga teacher training course that fully understood all of this because of their vast experience in the field. What if Yoga Teacher training in Bali provided to you upon enrollment a complete breakdown earlier of your first week’s classes? And how to prepare? You would feel more at ease. Pre-Course Preparation with you, our student, the beneficiary. Some students will already be on the schedule to teach their first yoga sequence during their first week. At least, you can turn a negative into a positive just with a little bit of preparation. Just imagine that for a second. It’s fantastic.
A Yoga Teacher Training With Real Practical Course
After you arrive in Bali and join your yoga course, most students can be disappointed to find opportunities to practice yoga class teaching techniques. Remember that you have paid a lot of money for this purpose, to join a yoga teacher training course, not a 28-day yoga retreat in Bali. You would like to graduate as a Yoga Alliance Certified RYT 200 Yoga Teacher.
In the practice of teaching yoga during the course, you must spend 80% of your time. These Yoga Posture Clinics Working in small groups assisting Teaching the entire group through yoga classes.
The remaining 20% is enjoying our unique, dynamic, entertaining, informative, educational Yoga lectures, including:
- Anatomy of yoga
- 8 Limbs of Yoga
- Adjustments
- Modifications
- Tips, tricks, and teaching methodology
- and much more.
Turning Passionate Yoga Students Into Highly Qualified Yoga Certified Teachers And More.
Yoga Teaching Training Posture Clinics & Exercises Must Include:
- First-timers
- Sequencing
- Late arrivals
- Class set up
- Demonstrations
- Anatomy & physiology
- Teaching methodology
- Body language-only teaching
- Verbal dialogue only teaching
- Pose names (English & Sanskrit)
- Room management/time management
- Verbal instruction & pose queuing dialogue
- Physical actions queues/vocabulary of yoga movement
- Teach 45, 60, 75, 90-minute classes with ease and flexibility.
In brief, it would be great to join a yoga course in Bali to be ready and confident to teach your first Yoga class and continue graduating. Look for yoga courses that are vigorous, efficient, sometimes challenging, both mentally and physically, where you will experience a complete transformation, mind, body spirit.
Just Imagine Becoming a Yoga Alliance Certified RYT 200 Hour. In reality, Yoga Teaching is a skill that you will carry with you forever, becoming increasingly more confident and more enthusiastic about your chosen career. You will witness first-hand the fantastic support, results, and feedback from your yoga students and new community.
It is truly is life-changing. We can help you find your course.
YogaFX Main Event Includes the Following
- Two Yoga Classes every day Ashtanga Vinyasa Bikram Hatha with real yoga students while at the same time getting detailed knowledge of yoga class set up. Such as the Opening series, standing series, floor series, and yoga class closing sequence. Our afternoon class is Lead Astanga, Vinyasa, and Astanga Mysore class once your strength, balance, and confidence start to shine through.
- Extensive Yoga Posture Clinics include the detailed methodology of Anatomy Physiology and Posture Alignment of the Worlds-Most-Popular Yoga sequences.
- Posture Clinics are real opportunities for you to TEACH YOUR FIRST CLASS with a room full of supporting students. What an excellent opportunity to break the ice
- Comprehensive Yoga Class Teaching Dialogue Keywords. Knowing what to say, when to say it and how to say it. Learning how to enter the posture, demonstrate the pose, and exit the posture in a safe, controlled, systematic, and knowledgeable way is extremely important for your yoga teaching career.

YogaFX Revealed The Tips Tricks Techniques FOR THE REAL WORLD
Actual Teaching Experience. During your YogaFX Teacher Training RYT 200 Hours, you will have many opportunities to teach your first yoga class to a real yoga studio. Full of supportive, loving, enthusiastic yoga students AND very experienced lead trainers and staff.
YogaFX Includes Staff With International Yoga Teaching Experience – 30-sec video
- Live YogaFX Events with Balinese Locals. During your time with us in June, you will have the opportunity to teach first hand at a LIVE Local Balinese Community Yoga Event. Join us in our wonderful outdoor Yoga Shala, surrounded by rice fields and the beautiful calming soft breeze. Our last event has over 200 Local Balinese Yoga students.
- The International Day of Yoga Bali Active participation and involvement on 21st June with over 2000 students participating.
- 100% Money-Back Guarantee*and Flexible Food Options
Exclusive YogaFX Pre-Course Preparation
YogaFX RYT 200 Hours Main Event Has Limited Student Numbers-Avoid disappointment and prices rise. Pls, Don’t leave until the last minute.
There’s more:
- Goodie Bag on arrival
- Complimentary Airport Pick Up
- Local Sim Cards Are Available
- Extended Bali Stay Option Up to 60 days
- Take Your Course With The Friend and Share The Fun
- YogaFX Lifetime Yoga Manual
- Hatha yoga series of postures and benefits
- Ashtanga sequence of Hatha yoga postures
- Bikram beginner’s series of Hatha yoga postures
- The secrets of the Kundalini and The Yoga keys to success in life
- This exceptional, comprehensive 250-page manual carefully crafted to include

Other topics in our YogaFX Lifetime Yoga Manual
- The importance of yoga
- External, internal yoga
- The obstacles of yoga sadhana
- The divine power of the mudras
- Seven chakra energy centers
- Acupressure and much much more
YogaFX New Teachers have the freedom and confidence to teach yoga any time, any place, anywhere – 30-sec 30-video
- The YogaFX Teacher Training Posture Clinic Workbook. This workbook is one of the two yoga course companions that you will put in your bag and take everywhere with you during your stay.
The quick reference guide is for taking to your class and posture clinics. It will help and detail alignments, adjustments, and posture benefits. - YogaFX Yoga Class Keyword Dialogue. The second of your constant yoga course companions is YogaFX Yoga Class Keyword Dialogue which includes the 20 most crucial yoga teaching keywords. It will always be on hand to offer yoga class dialogue keywords just when you need them.
This YogaFX Yoga Class Keyword Dialogue guide offers complete, comprehensive, and detailed posture dialogue for a 45-minute, 60-minute, and up to a 90-minute yoga class. - Graduate with TWO YogaFX International Certifications. Yoga Alliance RYT 200 Hours and American Council of Exercise certifications INCLUDED.
- Receive your personal YogaFX RYT200 CERTIFIED YOGA TEACHER ID card for easy confirmation to future employers. INCLUDED
- YogaFX Teachers can Re-join future YogaFX TTCs as staff opportunities, plus much, much more INCLUDED. Enquire today.
- Traditional Balinese Graduation Dinner and Dancing
And When You Finish? Graduate As A Certified Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teacher Training Reviews
Our YogaFX Graduation Event
Is where you will receive not ONE but THREE Internationally Accredited Yoga Teaching Certificates
Congratulations – A Sneak peek behind the scenes at our YogaFX Fantastic Graduation Day-30 sec video
All Sounds Fantastic, But What Do YogaFX Students Say?
After Graduation, we can relax and at our YogaFX Graduation Dinner-30 sec
What Are My Next Steps!
Joining any Yoga Teacher Training RYT 200 Hours Course in Bali is a great decision.
Let’s review your opportunity when joining a great yoga course that we can recommend for you.
Please remember to get the right course that fits you.
When you join our yoga teacher training course in Bali, it’s essential to look at the following helpful information. You do not want to be spending over $US5000 and get stuck on the tropical island of Bali for a month. Especially in a group with teachers and a group of yoga students worldwide on a completely different page.
Please Check:
- Have more value than you pay.
- Will you be teaching your first yoga class?
- There is no hidden price or any additional charges.
- How much free time that you have and how long your day is.
- How many International Yoga Teaching Certificates will you receive.
- You can eat what you prefer to eat, not what they choose to give to you.
- You are doing a Yoga Teacher Training in Bali and not a 29-day Yoga Retreat.
- Is the staff has any real teaching experiences and International experience?
- Please do not overpay for the promise of memorable moments. Yoga is a lifelong journey. It started with your first class and unfolded from there, and It is essential to get this right.
Please contact us today for more information on the proper yoga teacher training for you.
Before You Become RYT 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Approved
A yoga teacher training where you will eat the healthy food of your choice, teach yoga, practice yoga. You will get to spend an entire three weeks meeting great people from around the world that are all on the same page.
Yoga Students that have all enrolled and received Pre-Course Preparation and are ready to start on day one, just like you. You will graduate in 20 days with 3 Internationally Recognized Yoga Teaching Certificates, including the Yoga Alliance RYT 200 HOURS accredited Yoga Teaching Certificate.
There are not many opportunities like YogaFX Yoga Teacher Training Course such fantastic value for money. From only $US2399 INCLUDES ACCOMMODATION.
“I can hardly believe how much my life has changed since I became a Yoga Alliance certified instructor, thankyou YogaFX“
And I know that the same can happen for you. Our YogaFX graduate reviews that their yoga teacher training experience was an excellent investment, providing real-world skills turned into work opportunities.
While yoga is a lifelong practice, life is short, so why wait. Get some more detail here?
The Best Thing To Do Today Is Just REGISTER Your Interest Below
You Will Receive More Details and Your Pre-Course Checklist Of Things To Know Before Enrolling In Any Yoga Teacher Training In Bali.
You will also automatically receive a place on our YogaFX Priority Student Enrollment Lists. This enrollment will guarantee you any Early Bird Discount opportunities in the future, guaranteed for six months, giving you a lot of time to work on your schedule and ask any questions.
We only have 19 Early Bird Discount packages available for each course. So even if you’re considering the system, we would encourage you to drop in interest by registration. So that you can lock in your price and even join the waiting list for a future course—voids a price rise and missing out.
Zero obligation. You have nothing to lose and a life change to gain. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
YogaFX Yoga Teacher Training Bali Graduates Passionate Yoga Students Into Qualified Yoga Teachers. Your Success is Our Success
YogaFX Yoga Teacher Training Bali Main Event
YogaFX Teacher Training will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.
Your YogaFX Yoga Teacher Training in Bali is not only learning about how to teach Yoga.
It is about connecting with the Philosophy of Yoga and Demonstrating This Yoga Philosophy through your teaching. Mind Body Spirit.
YogaFX Main Event in January is one not to be miss.
- Yoga Alliance Certified
- American Council of Exercise Certified
- Best-Value-For-Money RYT 200 hours
- Very Experienced lead trainers and staff
- Real-life Yoga Teaching experience offered
- International Day of Yoga Participation
- From
$2499$1999 Early Bird Numbers Available
Before you book anywhere, please check your schedule, and enquire now to see the great options during this Main Event.

Your total investment is well below what other RYS’s are charging JUST FOR THEIR Course. Their Accommodation costs are extra. Wow.
Our YogaFX Price Cannot Be Repeated And Will Rise Soon.
Early Bird Price from $1999 (whole $2499 Triple Share ) limited
Enquire Now and place yourself on our Priority Enrollment List.
Please check availability with us first before direct booking.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in Bali soon.
Thank you for your interest in YogaFX. It is appreciated.
Have a great day and Namaste.
The YogaFX Team Bali.
Inquiry Hotline +62 811 3888 330